Mature Content Ahead.
you like some more orange juice behenji?” maya asked passing the
jug of juice around the breakfast table, buaji smiled at her and
shook her head “I think i have had enough breakfast to last me the
entire day!” she guffawed loudly, making everyone settled at the
table smile and laugh with her. Khushi finished eating her paratha
and gulped down her coffee, she was hoping to catch arnav before he
left for office but unfortunately he had left quite early
today...most probably to avoid meeting buaji she thought sadly.
Khusi, what are you staring at?” buaji asked khushi as she tapped
her lightly on her shoulders, khushi looked up from her thought and
pasted a jovial smile on her face “Nothing buaji...i was just
thinking that maybe we should go for a tour around Delhi
will surely enjoy it and if you want to meet any of our relatives
then we can do that too” khushi truly hoped she will deny the
relatives bit because she was in no mood to meet any of them, but she
knew she had to eventually so might as well ..
no, not today...panditji will be coming today na? Isn't that right
behenji?” buaji asked looking up at dadiji who nodded in the
affirmative. “Why don't you go and finish all your left over
shopping? I think i will rest feet still hurt..maybe
tomorrow we can do the tour around?” buaji said patting khushi's
head, as khushi let out a relieved breath. She smiled at everyone
before excusing herself from the dining hall.
she started walking towards her room, anjali came running behind her
“Bhabhi!!” she called out loudly making khushi take a sudden turn
back “Anji...what's wrong?” she asked her as she walked the rest
of the way back towards anjali. “Nothing..i kinda just wanted to
ask you for a favor..” anjali said breathlessly.
smiled at her “Off course hun, whats up?” they both started
walking towards the outside verandah “
know i told you about that guy i was seeing right?” anjali asked
cautiously to which khushi nodded, “Well, he wants to meet me
today...i guess just to apologize or something...but i wanted your
opinion if i should forgive him and maybe give him another chance?”
she said in one breath waiting for khushi to react.
first khushi was quite surprised that anjali was even meeting up with
the guy, but then it was her life and she was free to make her
decision, all she could do was advise “Listen Anji...if you felt
the need to ask me for an opinion on something which should have been
very clear to you if you were sure about it...just confirms the fact
that you are unsure about this personally i think you should
say your goodbyes and part ways...but then after what you told me
about him the other day...i feel you should not meet him at all!”
khushi said as her own past experience came haunting back
guys tried to pressurize you in to something you were not ready for
and then ignored you really think such a fella is even worth
considering for a second chance?” she said slowly trying to gauge
anjali's reaction who seemed to be listening very carefully to her
bhabhi “ are right babhi...but i think we need a closure
of sorts..he's been really behind me to meet up and talk...i guess
i'll talk to him once so that i can finish all this for good”
anjali said as a serene smile lit her face.
was glad that she spoke to khushi regarding this, it was eating her
up emotionally about what she should be doing. She gave khushi a deep
hug before thanking her for her advise, “ the way..where are
you meeting him?” khushi asked anjali as she turned to leave “Oh
i'm meeting him at Noni's near bhai's office...why?” khushi frowned
as she answered her “I think i should come with you..just in
case..” anjali smiled at khushi's suggestion.
know what..i think you should come...but you should go to bhai's
office instead...maybe surprise him for a hot lunch?..once i'm done
with this guy i'll call you then we can both go shopping
together..what do you think?” anjali said with a wink. Khushi
blushed at her suggestive suggestion “ its ok..i'll wait at a
nearby table in the cafe..we'll see arnav in the evening anyways”
she said as anjali gave her a huge smile
come on bhabhi! I know that you and bhai have decided to keep your
distance in front of buaji..but what makes you stop when you are another place..far far away from her? Plus it will help put
my frustrated brother at ease ya know..” anjali teased khushi who
pinched her on her arm “Ow..what! I'm not that naive to not know
what a sexually frustrated male looks like!” she giggled as khushi
started laughing.
for the sake of your brother's sanity..i'll go meet him for
lunch...but you better call me as soon as you are done ok!” khushi
patted her cheek as she skipped to her room to get ready, her spirit
had suddenly lifted after anjali's suggestion..she knew how unfair
the last few days had been for arnav..her mind started swimming in
gutterry thoughts as she smiled coyly thinking of how she would get
Mr Arnav singh raizada on his knees..literally!
walked in gingerly through the huge glass doors of arnav's office,
the massive 36 storey building was an architectural wonder in the
heart of the city. She went straight to the reception “Hello, i'm
here is see Mr Raizada” she said with smile only to be given a cold
look by the woman seated “ you have an appointment? Because
Mr Raizada does not just meet anybody without one” she said
sarcastically as she looked at khushi up and down, sizing her up.
was seriously irked by the girl but she kept the smile plastered as
she answered “Well, I don't think I need to take an appointment to
meet him...I mean would you take an appointment to meet your fiance?”
khushi asked with a sweet smile 'Take that b***ch' she thought
triumphantly..being Arnav singh raizada's fiancée had its perk she
thought as she saw with great satisfaction, the girl scrambling from
her seat and nearly tripping on her way from behind the desk.
i am so sorry....I did not recognize you...its just that I cannot
just let anyone meet boss without an appointment, but obviously you
don't need one. Please proceed to his floor from the VIP elevator”
she said pointing to a side elevator guarded by security “His
office and conference room is on the 36th
floor” she said breezily as she led Khushi to the lift.
nodded before asking her one last question “Is the conference room
empty?” she asked quickly and smiled as the girl nodded, “Great,
Arnav and I will be having our lunch there, please make sure no one
disturbs him...God only knows when he gets the time to eat in his
busy schedule” she said exasperatedly as the receptionist smiled
and waved her in. Khushi pressed the 36th
floor button and leaned against the mirrored wall of the lift, 'This
was going to be fun'.
saw khushi walk into the her brother's office building as she walked
into Noni's cafe...she looked around and saw him sitting by the table
right at the back of the cafe, she glanced around at the few other
patrons sipping their coffee's and chomping down their lunch as she
moved towards him quickly, wanting to finish this off as fast as she
could. She was glad that she hardly felt anything for him now. She
saw him getting up with a huge smile as she approached him.
I missed you so much...” he said as he held a bouquet of blood red
roses towards her, he came forward to hug her but was surprised when
she held her arm up stopping him “Shyam..lets cut the bullshit. I
only came here to meet you so that we can finish this off..whatever
it is we had. So please lets not pretend romanticizing each other
when we clearly know there is no such thing between us” she said
caustically as she took her seat, she felt a sense of immense
satisfaction as she saw his shocked face.
sat down and kept the roses away “Anjali...i know i was a jerk...i
know i don't deserve a second chance...and i'll never ask you to
reconsider our relationship if you are completely over it. But i know
that deep down you love me, always have as i have's just
that i was too confused about my feelings..but now i am very sure
about them. You are the only girl for me baby...i can't live without
you” he said trying to sound as sincere as he could.
looked at him skeptically and was surprised to see genuine warmth in
his eyes, was she judging him too quick she thought getting confused
again. Few minutes ago she was so sure about her feelings, but now
listening to his confession...she wasn't sure. She took a deep breath
and looked into his eyes “Look shyam, whatever was between us is
over now..It has been since a long while. I thought i loved you..but
it wasn't love since it never even withstood a small argument..lets
please just part on amiable terms..lets not drag this any further.”
she said softly as the waiter came to their table.
the hell!' shyam thought as his well planned out plan was falling
apart..why was she behaving like this! Here he thought that she would
forgive him and again start trailing him around like a lost
puppy..but the reality was something else...he had not planned for was he supposed to take her away from here? He gave her a
hurt look and said softly “Don't you feel any love for me? Any at
all?” he asked with a hurt face.
sighed as she saw the hurt in his eyes, she did not know if she was
doing the right things but she wanted to be firm in her belief “No
Shyam, there is nothing left now...please try and understand...we
were never right for each and just wasn't meant to
be. I really hope you find the right woman...but its not me.” she
said gently as she got up to leave “i need to go now..take care ok”
she picked up her bag and got up only to be stopped by his hand
gently clutching her wrist.
i said I won't force you..but for me to move on, I need to give you
back all those things which remind me of you...can you come to mine
for a few minutes, you can come in your own car if you need
not even get down...just wait outside...I'll bring all the things to
you...I'm not asking for another chance because i know i royally
screwed it up...but i won't be able to survive if i keep things which
remind me of you and they are too precious to be hidden or throw
away..please?” he asked as a last resort only to have her nod back
in an affirmative. He breathed a sigh of relief as she followed him
i seriously don't know why i employed you! All i wanted was for you
to get me that damn contract paper know what! just leave
it..i'll do it myself!” arnav roared as he ended his call. He ran a
hand through his thick hair wondering why he was being so harsh on
Aman..this new condition buaji had put before them was killing can he be away from Khushi for so long? He poured himself a
glass of water and prayed to God that the panditji will give them an
early date for the wedding..he had no idea how much longer he could
walked to his window and saw a flaming red Audi spyder parked outside
noni's cafe...anjali's car he thought surprised, there was only one
in the city so he knew it was her...what was she doing here? He
quickly called her and waited for her to pick up, as soon as the
phone clicked he spoke“Anji...what are you doing at Noni'
here for lunch?” he heard her take a sharp breath and thought
something wasn't right, he heard her soft voice speak up “Ah...yes
bhai I had come for a coffee with a friend but i'm leaving now...did
bhabhi tell you i came here?” she asked cautiously.
raised his eyebrows, “What? Why would Khushi say anything? I can
see your car parked outside the cafe..who are you with?” he asked
quickly, wondering why she came all the way to the other side of town
for a coffee, “Ha..that...i was with know my
team-mate for the upcoming fashion show? She just leaft so I'm
leaving now'll probably see me walking out..ha ha...umm...k
bhai..bye..see you later” he heard a soft click as she disconnect
and sure enough he saw her walking out looking up at his window..he
then saw her give a quick wave towards his window before getting into
her car and speeding off.
he thought, wondering if anjali was lying to him, but his thought was
broken when his phone beeped, he smiled as he saw khushi's name
flashing on the message indicator, he opened the text to read it 'Hey
babe...r u hungry?' he
grinned as he texted back '
only for u'.
He waited a few seconds before she texted back 'Don
b naughty...hav sent lunch fr u..its set up in ur conf room'
he looked at the text quizzically before answering back 'Wht
did u make? Buaji ka bharta?'
he got out of his room laughing to see his secretary get up quickly
and give him a frightened smile.
he asked her looking at the weird look she was giving him ,
“Uh...nothing sir..mam has arranged lunch for you in the conference
room” she said pointing towards the door at the far end of the
corridor, he nodded at her, 'Did everyone but him knew about this
lunch...Khushi and her mysterious ways' he chuckled as he slipped his
phone in his pockets and stepped into the room to get totally blown
away by the sight in front of him.
smiled at him slyly as she sat cross legged on the massive wooden
conference table, the soft dark oak making her milky white skin
glow..the lights were dimmed out giving the room a sultry feel. She
smiled at the shocked look on arnav's face as he took in the ethereal
sight in front of him, Khushi with a mid thigh length red dress, her
long gorgeous legs crossed in front of her,leaning her head on one
arm placed on her knee giving him a tantalizing view of her superb
bosom..she knew she had him when he quickly closed the door and
locked it.
first he thought he was hallucinating but even his extremely
desperate frustrated brain could not chalk out this very real
scenario..he locked the door and picked up the intercom on the wall
'Suzy, I'll be busy for an hour at interruptions and i mean
no interruptions..” he said calmly, feeling anything but. He slowly
placed the receiver back on the cradle and walked towards khushi. He
saw her uncrossing her legs as her eyes got dark reflecting his,
there was no time to waste with pleasantries between them as need and
desire overtook their systems.
gasped as arnav pulled her roughly towards him, his lips claimed her
in a frenzy as all thoughts left her system and her well planned
seduction came crashing down. Her eager mouth responded feverishly to
the assault on them. She pushed his coat away from his body as her
fingers started undoing the buttons on his vest, before she knew his
vest came off followed by his tie, her fingers now found their way
into his thick black hair pulling his face closer to hers as their
tongues played for dominance.
groaned as khushi bit his lower lip then gently took it into her hot
mouth to suck on it as he widened the gap between her thighs, sliding
his hands on her inner thighs making her dress ride up dangerously
high, he loved her in red and today she looked no less than a siren.
She bent her hand down to take off her red killer heels but he
stopped her “leave them on..” he rasped before pulling her lower
body towards his, her butt resting on the edge of the table while her
legs wrapped themselves automatically around this hips.
could feel his hardness poking her, it excited her to no end, she
threw her head back as his tongue started this decent down the
delicate column of her neck his fingers simultaneously undoing her
zip at the back of her dress; once arnav pulled the entire zip off he
lowered her dress from her shoulders to her waist, his eyes darkened
further as he saw her sparking eyes, swollen lips and pink flushed
body waiting to be one with his. He lifted her up slightly as she
uncoiled from his body, his hands taking off the dress completely off
suddenly stopped for a second as his eyes registered the sexy
lingerie she wore, God she was beautiful..he once again pulled her
against him as she helped him take off his shirt..he groaned as she
nipped at his pecks with her small teeth then laved it with her soft
tongue. He pushed her back on the table as he leaned down to trail
small kisses all over her body, his deft fingers quickly undid her
bra as his mouth suckled on her pebbled peaks, Khushi let out a
satisfied moan as he kissed her further down her body, his tongue
dipping into her navel.
too much....i need you...” she moaned as his tongue now lapped the
sensitive skin near her panty-line. He cupped her straining breasts
as his teeth pulled down her soaked panty down her long legs, she
flicked her legs to throw it off her as he undid his belt and pulled
off his trousers and boxers “I've been waiting too long for this
baby..please forgive me if i'm too rough” he said huskily as he
pulled her up to cradle her body against his, khushi smiled at him
coyly before reaching into her handbag for protection.
don't care how you take me baby...i'm all yours” she said as she
kissed him passionately while sliding the rubber on his arousal,
arnav hissed as her hands caressed his length, readying her, he
cupped her butt cheeks as he deepened the kiss and thrust inside her
welcoming warmth at the same time, he swallowed her gasp as he filled
her up completely, his thrusts becoming more and more fast and rough
as he claimed her. She scratched her nails on his back and cried out
his name as each thrust took her to newer heights “Faster
arr...rnav..take me baby” with a final thrust ,her body finally
crashing in waves of pleasure as she climaxed against him.
finally felt like he was home, his khushi was his home.., her husky
voice was his undoing as he bit her hard on her shoulder while his
body responded with violent orgasms..he held onto her tightly as she
wound her hands around his neck throwing her head into the crook on
his neck, he finally felt his body relax as the aftershocks shook him
slowly out of the reverie..he had never felt this alive. They held
onto each other like that for a few more minutes before arnav scooped
her up from the table and laid down with her on the dark leather
baby...i know i was too harsh with you...i can't believe i bit you..”
he said as they lounged about on the couch, he took her hands in his
and kissed her knuckles, khushi smiled at his guilt ridden face and
kissed him on his cheek “Don't be silly arnav...please don't
apologize...besides i love your wild side...its such a turn on” she
giggled as he pulled her down below him, his lips gently brushing
against the stark bite mark on her shoulder, “in that case my love,
maybe you'll find my gentle side equally arousing...” he whispered
in her ears as once again they got lost in each other, making most of
their short time together.
Shit! Dammit to HELL!” Shyam shouted as he banged his hand on the
dashboard of his car, he could not believe that luck could be so
cruel to him, that his well thought out plan would fail so miserably!
“Damn that f*****g ASR!” he gritted as he remembered what
happened a few minutes ago. Anjali and he were just at the door when
she got a call from her brother who had incidentally seen her stupid
car parked outside the cafe. She made up a lie and told shyam that
they could meet some other time for the stuff before walking out of
the cafe straight into her car.
could not believe his rotten luck, he could not even run behind her
since he was watching from his ivory tower! All his well thought out
plan went down the dumpster, thanks to that sonofabitch! He had
immediately canceled everything because now arnav knew she was at
noni's...and there was lots of evidence like CCTV camera's if he
wanted to find anything in his sister's last visited place..IF his
plan had become successful. Now he had to wait for the next opportune
moment to strike..he just hoped it was well before the dreaded
marriage took place.
![]() |
Khushi's Dress....But imagine a little bit shorter :) |
woowowowwoowowoowowoowo thank god she get out saftely and yes she is a strong persone but sometimes confuesd hahahah but
ReplyDeletevery very hot arshi :D and red was the best thing :D
IF gilmore
Yeah...i did not want the fluffy brained anjali here...i guess we anyways have too much of her in the serial :P
Deletewow im glad anjali had chosen a place near arnav's office to meet shyam his plan failed for now :D ArHi part was blazing hot hehe thanks for pm
ReplyDeleteawwwwwwwsummm.........luved the update
ReplyDeletedamn hot arshi scene...
thnk God anjali got away frm him safely...
IF arkushlove
Awesome update!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank God that Anjali had even sense to talk to Khushi and sort out her mind. Loved it when Shyam's whole plan flopped for the time-being.
Arhi scene was a blessing in disguise for all fans after being scared of Shyam's plan after the last few updates. Thank you so much!
Update soon!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWow!!! That was one hot update. Loved it Aarti. Thanks for the pm
ReplyDeletewoooh dat was damn hot
ReplyDeleteglad shyam ka plan fail ho gya
waiting for more
thnks for wonderful update n pm :)
Yeah...he's Shyam! his plans have to fail on principle! :P
Deleteawe man i seriously love u ...thank god shayms palns went to waste....hope anjali never meets him again...fantastic work ...keep it up
ReplyDeleteStunning chapter. Erotic<3
I love this story!! I'm so glad Shyam's plan failed .. Cant wait for the truth to be out... I really hope Arnav finds out that Shyam is the guy Khushi is so terrified of!!
ReplyDeleteCant wait to read ahead..
Hot!!!!!! Thank god anji is saved...btw the update ws really really nice...thanks for the pm..
ReplyDelete- Smdosi
Loved It
ReplyDeleteHahah Shyaams Plans Had An Epic Fail
ArHi's scenes r sooo HOT man !! Glad, Anjali is intelligent in this FF lolzz unlike the show !!
ReplyDeleteIm soo happy Shyam's pan is flopped !!
Hope it never succeed man !! NEVER !!
Awesome update
Nice one. Glad Tht anji is safe. Thnks for the pm. Good luck with the mgmt classes!
ReplyDeleteThanks hun :) x
Deleteawesome update loved it that was hot asr would not mind having that type of lunch every day glad he saw anjali and called her anjali should have listen to khushi advice and stay away from this guy awesome update loved it thanks for the pm awesome
ReplyDeleteawesome update can't wait for the next one
ReplyDeletethanks for the PM
ReplyDeleteawesome update
Thank God Anjali got away safely
A sexually frustrated Arnav is a hot and sexy Arnav
Totally hot Arnav and Khushi scene
Can't wait for Arnav to find out about Shyam and bash him up
Omg!!!!!!!! Hot!!!!!
phew!!! arnav does not know that he has unintentionally saved his sister from a major disaster, shyam is such a dick
ReplyDeletevery hot scene between arnav and khushi, could've been more spicier like the one ttime when bua interepted them
super part
thanx for the pm:)
Amazing update....
ReplyDeleteLoved the hot section... literally steam was coming out from the conference room :D ....
Happy that Anjali got away from Shyam, thanks to coincidence....
Arnav and Khushi are like saviors for Anjali...
Continue soon..
ArnavLuvsKhushi - IF
awe some update loe it..!
ReplyDeleteyou r too good yar thank god nothing happen to anjali..!
hahaha wonderful update dear.
ReplyDeletethank God anjali escaped.she is brave.she is arnav's doubt.even though she fell for shyam n now his hurt n sincere looks she stood for her decision.gr8 move anjali.proud of u.
thank you for making shyam's plan rotten.thank u so much.
n arshi part was damn wonderful!!!!!!finally he got a releif from buaji n her condition.poor soul.
n anjali love u for choosing a spot near arnav's office.good girl.if any problem,u cud hv called ur girl!
kushi n receptionist part was lol.
n also kushi-anjali dialogue was perfect.i mean kushi stood her ground n made anjali realize her own decision.
now waiting for next update dear
WOW!! That was Hawt!! Really really loved the part! Arnav would never ever leave such an opportunity to be with Khushi. Wish to read more such moments!! Update next soon! :D
ReplyDeleteloved the update...thankgod arnav saw anji from his building..god knows what that creep is planning...
ReplyDeletecont soon
oh it was amazing........
ReplyDeletelove yiur each update from maid in love
awesome update .
ReplyDeletereally liked it.
arnav and kushi both are passionate lovers and keep staisfying each other.
lovely update.
loved the way anjili rescued from shyam's trap
This is cool.
ReplyDeleteI was reading this with a baited breath wondering what would happen when Anjali and Shyam meet.
I so love this Anjali.. She is smarter and better here. Thank God and you for that.
I really love you, Aarthi. I know Shyam will still plan for something but now I gained some confidence.
Thanks for the pm.
The love - Blushing smiley is not available in ur blog. So I'm blaming u :P
Haha...i can feel your blush! :P
Deleteawesome update....
ReplyDeleteloved it......
happy that anjali is safe now......
thanks for the pm.....pavi1
Fustrated Arnav=Sexy Arnav
ReplyDeleteHappy Arnav=Sexy Arnav
Gentle Arnav=Sexy Arnav
Rough Arnav=Sexy Arnav
Basically any mood Arnav is in, he is very sexual!! ;)
Lol Loved the chapter!! :) xxx
Apart from Shyam... Still don't fully understand between them... Did he force her to do something with him or something... Is that why she got the restraining order... I'm sorry i you've already told us... I swear my brain is sufferin from memory loss or something... Anyway Fab Update as ever!! :) xxx
Anniecheli1997 from IF!! :) xx
Yeah...he was stalking her for a long time, even tried to break in to her dorm and then he tried to force himself on her at the Lavanya had a restraining order put on Khushi is still kinda affected by'll see how much after next few chaps :) x
Deletethat was hot!!! everything... lol...
ReplyDeletedt ws hot..
loved d srprise..;D
finally Shyam was unsuccessful..
hope Anjali neva goea back 2 meet him..(in future..)
hope Arnav finds out abt Shyam..
bth 4m Anjali's prt n Khushi's..
n i wndr y did Shyam chose a place close 2 Arnav's office?
do pm me wen u update more...thnxxx
Sure dear...send me a buddy req..will pm u the nxt update :)
Deleteawesomee updateee...
ReplyDeleteoh my thank god arnav saw her and shyam plan got into dustbin :D
oh my my these arhi people are getting hot by hot :D
thnx 4 pm:)
Thank God Anjali is safe. SO happy for her. I just want both Arnav & Khushi to know about everything. Even if one of them gets to know they can save Anjali & then khushi eventually.
ReplyDeletewoah! just caught up with this chapy.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely hot i must say
Hot and rocking.! Khushi and Arnav on a roll and Anjali a lot less harebrained than in the serial.